How old am I?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 30, 2010


We actually got a few hours of sleep last night.  The Pitocin was working quickly, so they decided to slow it down because they wanted the full pediatric cardiology team on hand.  I guess some were on call overnight, but it's better to wait until everyone shows up at the office.  Otherwise, I think Dr. Davis would have been right on with his ETA.

Now we're waiting for the doctors to come in and tell us their game plan for the day.  Stacie is feeling the contractions now....I would say every 2-3 minutes.  She is 4cm dilated.  They'll probably increase the Pitocin and then the epidural will follow shortly.

Will post once we know more.


  1. SO glad to hear stacie had made so much progress, that she is responding well to the drugs, and that things are going quickly and smoothly so far. give her a kiss for me! good luck!

  2. Thinking and praying for you guys today!

    Greg Kaiser

  3. Glad to hear things are moving along. Hang in there Stacie!
