Yesterday also marked one month since Jonah's NG tube had been placed and that meant a new one needed to be put down. Yesterday just so happened to be Rob's birthday and I kept thinking the perfect gift would be to see his son just chugging away on his bottle with no NG tube in sight. However, this gift could not be given...per se. Rob worked from home yesterday and we woke up with big plans. We were going to take the tube out and the magic was going to happen ;-) Well, that wasn't exactly how the day unfolded. I took out Jonah's NG to see his adorable face free of any tape or tube for the first time since he was delivered. We cleaned him up, got him dressed, and set our sights on bottle mania. Jonah, on the other hand, quickly told us he just wasn't ready yet. It's not as if he didn't take to the bottle at all, he just didn't take to it like we had hoped with the tube removed from the back of his nose and throat. He took about an ounce at a time which is exactly what he had excited us with at the end of last week. No more, no less.We had read so many blogs and websites, talked with many other families with stories of children who had that "light bulb" go on as soon as the NG came out. That silly tube can be the source of such irritation...reflux, congestion, swallowing difficulties, etc. We really thought that Jonah might have a better chance at the bottle without this nuisance. At the end of the day, we had to put the NG back down and rev up the pump for more continuous feeds- although, we are doing more bolus feeds again to keep practicing with the bottle:)
Rob did have a great gift though. We both did! It was a wonderful day to celebrate a moment in time without the only evidence that our little baby had anything wrong with him at all. It was so liberating for all of us to walk around the house, to walk around the block without all the "extras". We didn't hear Jonah try to cough the tube out or throw up (of course, he didn't have much in his belly to throw up) and instead we played, took pictures and reflected on how far we have come!! We have received many gifts to celebrate and this moment will soon turn into a loving memory as we delight in all that is to come.
Happy Birthday to the love of my life!!!
...Quick question to other mom's of heart babies...have you seen any of these children actually gain weight on breast milk alone? Or is this just a pipe dream of mine?? First, I am a naturalist at heart, breast milk has to be the best, right?. Second, I am afraid to start experimenting with formula after formula and all the aches and pains of testing each...